Earth Day Musings 2021

April 22, 2021 

The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused huge global effects on individuals, families, societies and international relations. The economic, healthcare and vaccine access disparities between the developing world and industrialized nations have been highlighted. It has, and will continue to make changes in local to global economic activity with the subsequent pollution and resource exploitation.

Hopefully, the pandemic can be a pause and re-evaluation of values- reset for humanity.

Earth Day started in the United States in 1970, with 20 million Americans taking to the streets in coast-to-coast rallies.  It was a rare, across the political spectrum, beginning to a new politically and socially active emerging awareness of the needs of the Earth and our future.

In 1990, the movement went international with 200 million people in 141 countries participating. In the year 2000, it involved 184 countries and 5,000 environmental groups around the world with hundreds of millions of people involved.   Now it is the largest secular observance in the world, with more than a billion people advocating for our world and the future of life.   

This celebration and call to action on so many fronts represents a dramatic shift in the consciousness of humanity.  As a "Mass Extinction" of life is in progress on the planet, humanity is recognizing our dependence, connection and responsibility for the world and for the future. 

As painful as the problems are, there is great hope in the rapid shift in humanities conscience awareness, willingness to take a stand up, take a stand, and ACT and Pray.     

The COP 21 environmental accord further demonstrates a tectonic shift in global humanities wiliness to care for the world and a future for our descendants.   Essentially every country in the world with one notable exception agreed to make changes to ensure a future for the world.  The exception may be our ally in showing the contrast of those who cling to old models of denial, love of profit and power, rather than life and community.  

Greta Thunberg inspired global protest and activism. She spoke at the 50th Earth Day activities:

It is hopeful for young people to see people all over the world in of all ages and backgrounds standing up for the goodness of life and creation.  

I wish hope, peace, and blessings to all who stand in shared good will for life.  A global community is beginning.  

Research and find out how you can best express your love of the Earth this year.  Contemplate and pray about the ways you may be called to act.  

Hope, in shared values, intentions and action.   

Get ideas on how to take action: